Saturday 17 September 2005

my artwork since im up and theOCD is in full effect

*disclaimer -if any of these images offend you -they are works of art-they are not meant to be offensive-just please go to another blog
and if your not old enough to look at art like this(should i say mature)please dont -move on
thank you

these are some of my works-i mostly do drawings /paintings ..........i havent worked on any in the past month (have 3 new ones but they are resting right now)-but im working on sound art pieces-its a whole new world-but its interesting and frustrating -just like any new relationship
anyway here are my works-
now that i put the paintings/drawings -im gonna have to show the drawings seperate

a blanket

a blanket of ideas covers me-but i cant seem to hold any of them-
i heard 5 brothers sing mexican traditional songs today-they all seem to have partaken in alcohol-or maybe they were drunk on the love they have for one another -they are all men in their late 50s and 60s but they were in top form....theyve been best friends since they were kids-they were brothers and friends -you dont find that too often-its rare and beautiful-
they knew all the words to the songs-"corridos" we call them-they are heartbreaking to me or should i say heartswelling-that is the reason for the blanket-love -family-song-food-alcohol
nothing covers my people more than that........or maybe its just a weekend-or a birthday-a we need those reasons to hug and sing and love each other-i hope not but most times its true-we shouldnt need an excuse to do those things
im gonna try to dissolve the excuses i make for not hugging and saying i love you to friends and family--in the end those are the only ones that truly care
they are the

EL REY- VICENTE FERNANDEZ( a classic song - when drunk mexicans are together)

Yo se bien que estoy afuera
Pero el dia que yo me muera
Se que tendras que llorar.
(Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar)
Diras que no me quisistes
Pero vas a estar muy triste Y
asi te me vas a quedar.
Con dinero y sin dinero.
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero.
Y mi palabra es la ley.
No tengo trono ni reina.Ni nadie que me comprenda.
Pero sigo siendo el rey.
Una piedra en el camino
Me enseno que mi destino.Era rodar y rodar.
(Rodar y rodar, rodar y rodar)
Tambien me dijo un arriero
Que no hay que llegar primero
Pero hay que saber llegar.
Con dinero y sin dinero.
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero.
Y mi palabra es la ley.
No tengo trono ni reina.Ni nadie que me comprenda.
Pero sigo siendo el rey.

Tuesday 13 September 2005

mex eee ko

went wandering
found jeruselem
in mexico
turned muslim
salvation was sold
no teneeee ya pesos
just favors i never cashed in
waters i never bathed in

dont let me go
dont let me go

theres no juan in japan
el chavo isnt .....eskimo
i got a bootleg tape of god
dont got no place to go

dont let me go

i got a bootleg tape of god
ahhhhh ye zion
wanted to buy in
then sell it on ebay
make them pray
dont need salvation
got a garage full
i havent used
i got a bootleg tape of god
cover me up

dont let me go