Saturday 17 September 2005

a blanket

a blanket of ideas covers me-but i cant seem to hold any of them-
i heard 5 brothers sing mexican traditional songs today-they all seem to have partaken in alcohol-or maybe they were drunk on the love they have for one another -they are all men in their late 50s and 60s but they were in top form....theyve been best friends since they were kids-they were brothers and friends -you dont find that too often-its rare and beautiful-
they knew all the words to the songs-"corridos" we call them-they are heartbreaking to me or should i say heartswelling-that is the reason for the blanket-love -family-song-food-alcohol
nothing covers my people more than that........or maybe its just a weekend-or a birthday-a we need those reasons to hug and sing and love each other-i hope not but most times its true-we shouldnt need an excuse to do those things
im gonna try to dissolve the excuses i make for not hugging and saying i love you to friends and family--in the end those are the only ones that truly care
they are the

EL REY- VICENTE FERNANDEZ( a classic song - when drunk mexicans are together)

Yo se bien que estoy afuera
Pero el dia que yo me muera
Se que tendras que llorar.
(Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar)
Diras que no me quisistes
Pero vas a estar muy triste Y
asi te me vas a quedar.
Con dinero y sin dinero.
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero.
Y mi palabra es la ley.
No tengo trono ni reina.Ni nadie que me comprenda.
Pero sigo siendo el rey.
Una piedra en el camino
Me enseno que mi destino.Era rodar y rodar.
(Rodar y rodar, rodar y rodar)
Tambien me dijo un arriero
Que no hay que llegar primero
Pero hay que saber llegar.
Con dinero y sin dinero.
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero.
Y mi palabra es la ley.
No tengo trono ni reina.Ni nadie que me comprenda.
Pero sigo siendo el rey.

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